1745 Battlefield Tours continue for international visitors ....
Aye, there's more to the Battle Trust than Tapestry Exhibitions and Talks ....
It is sometimes suggested [although not that often!] that the 1745 Battle Trust is more interested in interpretive embroidery than the great outdoors approach to understanding what happened on September 21st. Particularly since the Trust was in at the birth of the Scottish Battlefields Trust's East Lothian County Battle Triennial Cycle which means we only get a grand scale re-enactment every third year - sharing the celebrations with Pinkie Cleugh [this September] and Dunbar 1650 [last September].
That's fake news!
Yesterday it was a German Tour Group that was led to the top of the Battle Bing to get their orientation and to enjoy the ever bracing weather conditions there - led by the indefatigable Arran Johnston [centre]. Lately there's been a steady flow of Outlander inspired visitors determined to get a better understanding of what 'really' happened at Prestonpans.
The Battle Trail is now digitally well documented on the free APP @ prestonpans1745
We can all walk the well signed Battlefield Trail [English & Gaelic] and use the APP to get a comprehensive storyline. We can digest the six 'physical' Interpretation Boards.
We can take the new woodland path from Gardiner's Obelisk to the Bankton House Doo'cot and so long as you know he was born in 1688 you can enter the Doo'cot for the DVD presentation there of Gardiner's life and his death at the battle.
You can in particular stroll along the 1722 Waggonway [also interpreted on the APP and sign posted] and see the battlefield stretching west and east of its south / north gravity run from Tranent to Cockenzie Harbour.
.... and P.S. you will find that 'sometimes maligned tapestry' there digitally at the APP download as a bonus for Walkers and Tour Groups alike.
If you have a group that would like an escorted tour, get in touch with the 1745 Battle Trust @ waukin@battleofprestonpans1745.org. It's hard to beat the sparkle that a 'reality re-enactor' can bring to the occasion. But if that's not what you need, just walk the trail with or without that APP ... It's well documented on the latest Prestonpans/ Seton/ Gosford Area Walkers' leaflet Guide downloadable HERE

P.P.S. At this year's 2017 'modest' re-enactments September 22/ 24th, the Guided Walks will include the successful Waverley flavour pioneered at last year's Saltire Festival - all part of this year's 'literary' flavour to the Prestonpans re-enactments.

Published Date: April 14th 2017