Last Panel Arrives from Merseyside .. to complete the Diaspora Tapestry
Liverpool FC, Team of the Macs of Diaspora fame, is the final panel .. always included just delayed in completion for excellent reasons, but now we have it!
To all who purchased the 2nd Compleat Official Guide in 2015 it's a well know tale. When the Tapestry went on its premiere display in Prestonpans in May 2014, the 1st Edition of the Guide contained only 157 Panels. The 1000 print run sold out in 6 weeks. The 2nd Edition carried all 304!
As the Tapestry toured Scotland and England and Bergen in Norway it grew in numbers as more of the panels pledged arrived for completion. By the time it arrived in Veere in the Netherlands the 2nd Edition was published and there were 300 completed and just a couple from the US, one from Canada and Liverpool FC from Merseyside still adrift depicted as 'drawings' As they arrived they caught up with the exhibitions in Montello Wisconsin, then in Scarborough Toronto ... until only Liverpool FC remained. It arrived just as end 2016 sees that club start chasing Chelsea for the English Premiership 2017 title. It will be included for the first time in the exhibition at Westminster Hall, London from March 20th/ April 29th 2017.
Here it is in its stitched format:

Stitcher: John Thornhill, Secretary of the Liverpool Scots Association.
In 1891–92, Everton FC left Liverpool with only three players. Director John McKenna’s first task was to put a team together to play in the following season. He signed 13 professional players from Scotland, later labelled ‘The Team of the Macs’. Liverpool continued to have a Scottish contingent through the next 70 years, including some of the greatest Liverpool legends such as Billy Liddell. When Bill Shankly was appointed manager in 1959, he signed Ron Yeats and Ian St. John. The Scottish tradition continued under Bob Paisley with the signing of Alan Hansen, Steve Nicol, Kenny Dalglish and Graeme Souness.
GBE18 Club Ball-coise Libhearpuil
Ann an 1891–92, dh’fhàg Club Ball-coise Everton Libhearpul le dìreach triùir chluicheadairean. B’ e a’ chiad ghnìomh aig an Stiùiriche Iain McKenna, sgioba a chur còmhla a chluicheadh an ath sheusan. Shoidhnig e 13 cluicheadairean proifeiseanta à Alba, a-rithist air an ainmeachadh ‘Sgioba nam Macs’. Lean Libhearpul air adhart a’ faighinn Albannaich don sgioba fad 70 bliadhna às dèidh sin, a’ gabhail a-steach cuid de na cluicheadairean as cliùitiche a bh’ aig Libhearpul, leithid Billy Liddell. Nuair a fhuair Bill Shankly dreuchd mar mhanaidsear ann an 1959, shoidhnig e Ron Yeats agus Iain St. John. Lean an traidisean Albannach fo Bob Paisley nuair a shoidhnigeadh Ailean Hansen, Steve Nicol, Kenny Dalglish agus Graeme Souness.
Published Date: December 29th 2016