New Glasgow in Pictures - with the Diaspora Tapestry of course!
Right Royal Occasion in New Glasgow as Tapestry Exhibition Opens
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Jenny Bruce reports from Nova Scotia, standing next to Organiser Troy McCulloch:
"An excellent night of Nova Scotian hospitality with Town Crier James Stewart setting the tone for the evening. with the traditional civic oration. Amongst the dignitaries attending was His Honour Lieutenant Governor James Grant, Brigadier General ret'd.
"The finger buffet stood comparison with any I've encountered since our Moroccan Feast before leaving Paris in October 2015 - with delicious strawberry and apple salsa on cinnamon tacos being just one of the bites. The Lieutenant Governor was accompanied by his wife Joan, and attended by Sean Fraser, MP, Minister for Fisheries, Mayor Dicks of New Glasgow, Colonel Barry Wark [Past President of the St Andrews Society for Pictou County] and Heather Tulloch incoming President. Young musicians, students of Hayley MacLoud, entertained the audience before the ceremony which all made the evening a splendid occasion.
"Since then I've been kept very busy with four Continuity Presentations and great interest from the media. Remembrance Day, November 11th, also occurred here in New Glasgow and two of the most poignant panels were selected for special display."
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!
Always a first! For New Glasgow it was the turn of their Town Crier. Here's the message, loud and clear ...
"On this occasion we gather to celebrate the town of New Glasgow’s cultural and historic links with Scotland.
"The impact that Scotland has had on our nation cannot be denied as 15% of Canada’s population claims full or partial decent from Scottish lineage.
"Our fair town was christened for her sister community of Glasgow. Each community shares historic shipbuilding history and many of our buildings reflect a true Scottish influence.
"With the arrival and display of these tapestries another link in the chain that connects us has been forged.
"May they be admired and enjoyed by all.
Let New Glasgow Flourish
God Bless Nova Scotia
God Save the Queen"
P.S. The British High Commissioner in Ottawa must have heard the cry. Our Tour Director has been invited to a Reception on December 1st.
P.P.S The Exhibition ended with two students from Inneapolis Valley as our final visitors. One had completed a section copy of the Bayeux Tapestry which was wholly magnificent.

Published Date: November 15th 2016