Gardiner's Story as told at the Bankton Doo'cot
Archie tells Gardiner's Story at the Doo'cot - thanks to Freakwork's exciting DVD and Viridor Support
The Battle Trust was fortunate to receive a grant from Viridor in 2015 to to restore the Bankton Doo'cot to tell the story of Colonel Gardiner - who of course lived at Bankton House until his death in 1745.
Just inside the door is an elderly former servant of the Colonel who recounts the tale. His name is Archie - quite simply because that's what all the youngsters at Bankton House have taken to calling him! Here he sits:

DVD creation was by Freakworks to a script by Arran Johnston
If you cannot make your way to the Doo'cot at the end of the Signed Walk it's accessible as a YouTube download on the Walkers' APP - free at Apple and Android APP Stores as Prestonpans 1745
Here are just two shots that go with the dynamic narrative - it's projected onto the stone barrelled wall of the Doo'cot.
September 24th/ 25th were Preview Days for the Residents at Bankton and the two Viridor Committee Members, Paul Zochowski and Jackie Bell
As can be seen, it's not spacious but can accommodate groups of a dozen of so comfortably with coded entry by means of the Colonel's birth year! The 'Official Opening' will be few more weeks whilst the final techie details are put in place.

It's easily reached from the Gardiner Obelisk ... just follow the English and Gaelic signage, but it is a Walk with just one parking spot only for the disabled.

Those who joined the Guided Walk on September 25th and 26th, true to the story told, found a wounded redcoat lying here awaiting treatment by the Edinburgh doctors who The Prince summoned to Bankton House.

Published Date: October 12th 2016