Make sure you're in Dunbar: Re-enacting 1650 on September 17th & 18th
Pans' Re-enactment Monopoly Broken - this year Dunbar 1650, next its Pinkie Cleugh 1547
.... that's the news as the Scottish Battlefields Trust mounts the first of its Countywide re-enactments, in Dunbar this year. It's going to be a magnificent occasion with some 300 and more re-enactors restaging Cromwell's most famous battle - all taking place on the golf course at Deer Park. Entrance each day is £6/ £3 for children and includes all the encampment activities as well as the re-enactments each day - which differ; Saturday the Scots are ascendant but Sunday, the result is truly bad for the nation.

If you look carefully at the poster above, there's a couple of very good talks/ workshops not to miss. First is with Andrew Millard, the leader of the team in Durham who found the bodies of Scots prisoners marched there after defeat at Dunbar in 1650 to their eventual death in the Cathedral. Second is exploration of what happened to the Scots prisoners who were exiled to the US rather than marched to Durham. Descendants will be there on the day to share their tales!
Fear not Panners, however. There's definitely a Commemoration of the Highlanders' Victory taking place in The Pans over the following weekend, September 24th/ 25th with Battlefield Walks, the Re-Opening of Bankton Doo'cot to tell the full life story of Colonel Gardiner [who of course stayed there] and more ......SEE ALL THE 1745 DETAILS HERE
P.S.It could perhaps be said that Dunbar's one up on The Pans when it comes to battles. After all, they had two, the first in 1296; the difference is that at The Pans in 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Highlanders beat the Hanoverians but in Dunbar the English were always the victors. That first Dunbar battle was commemorated earlier this year by the Scottish Battlefields Trust ...SEE ALL THE 1296 DETAILS HERE
Published Date: September 16th 2016