Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry is currently on display at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg: August 11th/ September 23rd
Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry is going on display in the Thomas Nelson Suite at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg....
Those who know the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie's 1745 Campaign to Prestonpans and his Victory here will know that he came ashore in July ... and so the Battle Trust has resolved once again to synchronise the exhibition of the tapestry in a time sequence ...
The story from Rome/ St Nazaire/ Eriskay/ Glenfinnan/ Perth then all the way to the gates of Edinburgh ... is on display from Thursday August 11th until Friday August 26th
The picture below shows how Eriskay welcomed the Tapestry in July 2010!

... that all appears in Panels #1/50; and #50 sees the Lord Provost of Edinburgh calling an urgent Council meeting to consider HRH Prince Charles' command that he surrender the capital!
.. then from September 6th to 23rd when Prestonpans will once again commemorated the Prince's Victory ... Panels #51/104 will tell the story from the Fall of Edinburgh, the Battle itself and the Celebrations at Holyrood until the Prince marched on England
Souvenirs and merchandise all available at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg
If you want a copy of the beautiful Official Guide it's available at The Goth; so too are the TinTin-style cartoon representations of the story in English, French and Gaelic; and other merchandise from mugs to tea towels ....
P.S. Late news
The Tapestry is expected to return to France again in 2017 for the Breton-Scottish Festival ...
The comprehensive Battle Tapestry APP for free download will be available by end September along with the Guided Walking Tour of the battlesite itself!
Published Date: August 11th 2016