Creating Commercial & Industrial Jobs on Our Battlefield ...
Approaching 2000 Petitioners disagree with Calum Millar's Draft Proposal for Prestonpans Community Council's suggested future for the lands of the old Cockenzie Power Station ..
... at the time of hanging this NewsNet approaching 2000 have already signed up to the Battle Trust's Petition calling for the 1745 battle site in Prestonpans to be conserved and interpreted, not given over to commercial/ industrial development. This was Calum Miller's suggestion in the Draft Plan his Sub-Committee tabled at Prestonpans Community Council. [ N.B. His letter in this week's Courier below expands on last week's report in the same paper.]
And as you would expect, the Battle Trust has taken exception to the suggestion that the site is diminished because the two sides first clashed to the east on land that is still given over to the style of farming planned for the western end. The truth is that the battle raged as far west as today's Prestonpans Community Centre which stands in the grounds of auld Preston House, across some considerable area of contemporary housing.
[If you're with the Trust, and have not signed the Petition yet, the website is available now for your vote and comments if you LINK DIRECTLY HERE].
The Battle Trust is 100% in support of job creation of an appropriate type that can directly engage the residents of our communities. Celebrating and sharing our heritage is one very effective way to do that and it is wrong to assume the jobs created will simply be low paid and seasonal.
Equally the Trust is not creating more heritage. It's already uniquely ours, a #26 bus trip from Prince's Street. The Trust is seeking ways to conserve, interpret and optimise the benefits of that heritage, not to abolish it. The Trust wishes do achieve these goals in ways that are more than simply creating jobs. The memories of our battle can and do inspire and encourage our younger people. Our Prestonpans 1745 slogan is: Hope, Ambition, Victory. And The Prince, That Man who led the Clans to that Victory here in Prestonpans was 25 rising 26.

Ed: The book Calum Miller refers to is available online DIRECTLY LINKED HERE [bottom right hand corner of page]; or at The Gothenburg without the postage costs at, thanks to Calum, the discounted price of £10!
Published Date: May 27th 2016