There's a notion been floated that the Prestonpans 1745 battlesite should be given over to commerce and industry. What think you?
The Battle Trust hopes you think that's a non-starter of a notion!
The Trust certainly does not wish to see the heritage battle site used for commercial and/or industrial purposes ... and has gone into overdrive on myriad dimensions ... of which much will be publicised in the coming weeks.
The notion has been floated from a surprising sector - a Sub-Committee of Prestonpans Community Council. They've put this perplexing notion out for Consultation across the community in the coming days, which is of course only right and proper!
However, one immediate step that the Battle Trust has taken is to launch an Online Petition quite deliberately against any such notion - available now for your comments if you LINK DIRECTLY HERE.
The Trust's ambition is to take the battle site into ownership, restore its traditional agriculture and install two memorial tables where the redcoats and Highlanders were buried by Panners on Prince Charles Edward Stuart's specific command in September 1745.
Such a record of your support for the Petition and associated comments will be greatly appreciated by the Trust. If you don't use the LINK above, this is the url:

The Council next meets TUESDAY 14th JUNE 2016, 7PM in PRESTONPANS TOWN HALL on the High Street, not at Aldhammer House where it often does.
Why not go along and share your views with the Community Councillors?

Published Date: May 24th 2016