Charlie's Ghost ... on learning of Prestonpans Community Council's Draft MasterPlan
CHARLIE'S GHOST - on learning Prestonpans Community Council's Draft MasterPlan
Now wi' the Power Station gone
The planners want tae build upon
The site o' the battle – oh, sae wrong -
In The Courier news this morning.
Hey Johnnie Cope are you waukin yet,
Or are your drums a- beating yet?
If you were waukin I would wait,
Tae gang tae The Coals in the morning
When Charlie look'd the Plan upon
He drew his sword the scabbard from:-
“Come follow me my merry men
and we'll meet wi' the Cooncil I' the morning."
Hey Johnnie Cope, etc.
Fye, now planners get it right
The battle's ghaisties fear such blight
It's best to keep the battle site
Else 'twould be a sorry morning.
Hey Johnnie Cope, etc.
Now Cooncil wi' your daftie Plan
Wad rub the battle frae the land
And turn the site tae Mammon's hand
So please think again I' the morning.
Hey Johnnie Cope, etc.

Published Date: May 26th 2016