New Brewers @ The Goth are the Vanguard for 2016 and beyond ...
New Fowler's brewers get the Gothenburg moving forward for 2016/ 2017
Since it was announced that the Prestoungrange Gothenburg was being offered for community buy-out or open sale, the team at The Goth are regularly being asked for a progress report! As you might expect. Well, it's not yet a done deal but it's an impressive and promising work-in-progress!
The most important aspect of any such buy-out, or indeed a public sale, is: how well is the business performing financially? Everyone knows that in today's environment, running just a pub is a tough call. Success depends on the extent of in depth support that its community catchment gives it. So ....
There are half a dozen very encouraging new initiatives this year to report, starting with the new brewers running The Goth's unique Fowler's microbrewery - Sean Wood [right below with the 80/-] and Lewis Kent - not surprisingly known together as Kentwood. Their love of beer [and wine making and tasting] is beyond doubt and they are already endearing themselves and The Goth to CAMRA aficionados and regular drinkers.

They created a John Muir Mild* specially for his birthday last month and there's the Wee Heavie acomin' and the now traditional Gothenburg Porter is on the way. Plus BeerFests and BrewSets - where you can join them to make your own beer.
Jazz Sundays, Burns' Extras, Quizzes, Alex Hodgson's Young Musicians Programme ... and more
Yes, all these are now scheduled as well as the regular music and excellent foods from the award-winning Chefs led by Andrew Laurie.

Talking of which, Scottish Seafood Festival # III is scheduled for 3Harbours Festival as well: June 3rd & 4th
We can all remember the highly successful Seafood Festivals that 3Harbours included a few years back? There have been #I and #II, and the mantle has now fallen on The Goth during 3Harbours this June to offer #III. And indeed to champion its establishment as an annual event from now on. So there's a rallying call to one and all as you enjoy the Scottish Seafood Festival at The Goth from 12 noon on both Saturday June 4th & Sunday 5th - volunteer to make this happen on a yet grander scale in 2017 and beyond. With our 3 Harbours along our short stretch of the Forth we are extremely well placed to make our Festival run and run.
Talking of 3Harbours, there's action all week [closed Monday] at The Goth including that Kentwood pair ...
Yes, Sean and Lewis will be 'pairing their craft beers with the Gothenburg's delicious Menus' on Sunday 5th from 12 noon. P.S. And if perchance you wish to switch from fish [after Saturday] you'll find The Goth has plenty of alternative choices to savour.
And the Totem Pole has its 10th anniversary in August! Should it be repainted now and if so, how? Ask Tom Ewing, he painted it last time ....
* [Ed. How come a mild ale then, for John Muir Trailers/ Travellers?] It was The John Muir Trail Travellers' Tipple Dark Mild. On draught and will be in bottles too very soon. This beer came about because of three factors.
Sean Wood explains: "I spoke to a group of sixteen cyclists in The Goth who regularly passed by but rarely popped in. This got me thinking about walkers and cyclists and anybody else travelling the John Muir Trail route for whom a low ABV (3.2%), malty, light ale, could help fuel them on their way. The second factor was that the final runnings from an 80/- are actually still fairly potent if we get the right amount of malt in to begin with. This therefore give us the opportunity to create a second beer. So, our Traveller's Tipple is basically a 60/-."

"We also have an IPA on tap now, which went live specifically for the Scottish Craft Brewers AGM last week in The Goth. And I'm delighted to say that it went down a treat. In fact the entire AGM worked out very well and was well talked about on social media. We specifically did a live brew on the day so these guys and gals left with smiles upon their faces."
Published Date: May 6th 2016