Tony & Anita Carter Brew Tea .. and Alastair Stroyan Hangs
Pottery Definitely Back on Agenda in The Pans ... not really a 'novelty' in these parts, but can be fun!
Tony Carter, pottery teacher turned entrepreneur, was the one who 'volunteered' to help both when The Gothenburg needed a reproduction Belfield broon coo teapot and the Arts Festival needed a novelty Wiles bus. And he came to The pans this week with his wife and business partner Anita to present a curtain raiser to next year's major Arts Festival theme: Prestonpans Pottery - Great Past but Will There be a Future? And he confessed he had always had considerable curiosity about, which had now turned to delight on seeing, the eventual destination for his two customised artworks.
As can be seen from the photographs and cuttings below, his display of some 30 other novelty teapots has the recently completed 6 local water colours of Alastair Stroyan hanging for the first time too.
click on all images to enlarge

Over 50 visitors came to see the exhibition over its two day run, and on Friday evening visitors were able to listen to Tony Carter explain the origins of his enterprise and of many of the astonishing teapots on display. For Saturday relaxation he visited the RY Britannia at Leith where his art works are regularly on sale.
All his teapots at can be purchased on line and in particular the Belfield broon coos and Wiles bus teapots are on sale at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg and at the Boutique here on this website.
Published Date: November 19th 2006