Scottish Barons Celebrate Feudal Values Once Again at the Goth
November 28th Celebrated Yet Again by Scottish Barons
The local newspaper expected fireworks at the end of Barons' Day on the baronial foreshore and they were not disappointed. It made a fitting end to celebrations amongst those Scottish Nobles who bereft since November 28th 2004 of the feudal lands and rights of jurisdiction in their feudal Courts still retain their Dignity. It was a point not to be missed by the Poet Laureate John Lindsay whose advice this year was entitled: Nae Snoozlin' On My Dignity.
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It's a serious matter indeed, although those happily out-of-the-know might not appreciate it at all! Its seriousness arises because there are some in Scotland today who are disgracefully and oft stealthily seeking by hook or c***k to belittle or even ignore altogether those who proudly carry their territorial dignities and the armorial additaments of red chapeau and parliamentary robes
that have gone with that for nigh on 1000 years. There are even Quislings within the Baronage itself who have knowingly born false witness on occasion to the detriment of their newer feudal fellows. So it is clear just how serious the matter is and how much more serious it has the potential to become.
The Lord Advocate, Lord Prestoungrange, lives again at the RMGC with help from RLS
Yet November 28th each year is not the moment to let such matters trouble the mind or the spirit of a Scottish feudal Baron. It is celebration time, party time. Taking a leaf from the book of Lord Prestoungrange, truly the Lord Advocate following the '45 and factitiously portrayed in that office in Robert Louis Stevenson's Catriona, the well being of all Barons was placed ahead of any search for justice or even truth. Aided by Ian Nimo, Chairman of the RLS Society, Annemarie Allan had scripted for re-enactment at Prestongrange House [now the Club House of the Royal Musselburgh] those famous factitious scenes where David Balfour finally puts self advancement ahead of truth and justice under the tutelage of Lord Prestoungrange. The Meanwhile Players, the resident company with the Prestoungrange Arts Festival, brilliantly relived the moments; but alas for Stewart of Appin whose life was lost.
Prestonpans Pipes and Drums and Chef Andrew Laurie Complete The Delight of the Night
One of the earliest and most enduring decisions of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival was to give such support as it might to the nascent Prestonpans Pipes and Drums - 'reformed' to be more precise with their 'ancient' badge. They now make regular appearances under that badge wearing the Prestonpans/ Prestoungrange/ Dolphinstoun District tartan, playing ever better all the while. And whilst Baronial Chef Andrew Laurie himself may have been enduring somewhat longer than these our pipes and drums, his Feast for Scotland's Barons was as fine as could ever be expected and enjoyed.
There were more than a few who could not make the occasion and sent their regrets. Reading the reports here and about of how matters went their regrets will surely be increased. But those who could be present enjoyed a lot, listened attentvely one to another, dining well and sharing tales from across the first millennium that their territorial baronial titles have endured. And they reaffirmed their commitment in accordance with their proper feudal principles to honour and defend and uphold their lands and their indwellers upon them - against all comers. Indeed they laid many a scheme for the coming 12 months nae to snoozle rather to fight the good fight and look ever forward to the enjoyment of the next occasion when they shall convene to celebrate their feudo-dignities and amour propre ecossais.
Published Date: November 28th 2006