Cuthill Park Witch Mural Unveiling and More to come ...
Two Years On and Our 81 Witches Still Being Remembered
Tom Ewing and arts colleagues were in Cuthill Park this year not only to unveil the mural created there in 2005/ 2006 with Heritage Lottery funding, and used for theatre at the Global Congress in August, but also to foretell bold plans to tidy up the park soon.
The park has been allowed to deteriorate in recent years and the children's play and grass areas are totally unusable. But with passers-by as well as the regular walkers taking a keen interest in the new Witch Mural there it was clearly necessary that 'someone' did something about it. So, an alliance of the willing has been assembled to pick up the litter and broken glass as a prelude to autumn hay making.
Once that has been accomplished it is to be hoped that 2007's Three Harbours Festival will see a mural painting competition staged in Cuthill with up to 10 artists interpreting a common theme.
For the moment, suffice it to record here what the local press had to say:
click on all images to enlarge

Published Date: October 27th 2006