Lily-the-Pink in Hawaii
Who Designed Our Website?
We get asked a hundred times a year who designed the dBase website some five years or so ago that emanates from .... and the answer is Matthew Boffin [ably assisted by Helen and Neil at BisWeb] now located in Bicester, Oxon.
Mathew, his wife April [a US citizen] and daughter Lilian [seen below] took off for Hawaii at least three years ago just after Lilian was born, having passed over the mysteries of the site to Chantal Graham and the rest of us in Prestonpans. Matthew trained there to become a helicopter pilot, which was of course appropriate for a high flying IT self-taught guru. He had joined the pioneering team at International Management Centres in Buckingham with many another in the mid/ late 1990s, not long after the web was invented, to create working along with Sylvia Burgess and Laura Wills the world's first wholly online Business School and supporting e-library of 2000+ journals.
As young Lilian's portrait shows, she's still in Hawaii and Matthew reports the family are loving it all. And for the many who have been concerned for them at and after the recent severe earthquake that's reassuring news to be able to report.
click on photograph to enlarge

Website Postscript
Starting life just as a dBase website for The Barons Courts of Prestoungrange & of Dolphinstoun in the last century, the smart set soon wanted to be seen at and about its illustrious destination @! It also became home to the Prestoungrange Arts Festival, The Prestoungrange Gothenburg and Fowler's Ales, then the Global Murals Art and Cultural Tourism Association and most recently the Battle of Prestonpans 1746 Heritage Trust ... from next month it hosts a dazzling new Pans initiative: What 2 Do in EH 32
Published Date: October 21st 2006