Home's Lothian Levy Musters as harbinger of Pinkie 1547 Re-enactment next year!
Harbinger - one that presages or foreshadows what is to come!
Of the three re-enactments selected by the Scottish Battlefields Trust [SBT] to include in its first East Lothian Triennial Cycle of re-enactments, Pinkie Cleugh is rumoured to be the most difficult to achieve. Those deemed more straightforward are Dunbar 1650 and Prestonpans 1745.
Difficult not because we don't know the relevant history, or that the SBT's not recruited today's Duke of Somerset as a High Patron, or that the battlesite is without Interpretation Boards, or that theatre has not been attempted of late - by Queen Margaret University none less as presented at The Brunton in Musselburgh and in the Gothenburg at Prestonpans. No, it's the uniforms worn and the military equipment deployed.
So the Alan Beck Regiment of Prestonpans Volunteers has resolved to start seeking a solution. Flush with success from their regeneration of the red-coated Gaelic speaking Edinburgh City Guard, it has now levied to arms the men of Lothian - hence last months inaugural 21st century appearance of The Home's Lothian Levies. Their predecessors of course fought and lost and died at Pinkie Cleugh in September 1547.

Here they were out on their first expedition to the Borders!

If you like that uniform, maybe your chance has arrived to be levied. The Regiment is always recruiting .....
Published Date: April 6th 2016