Must see my panel .. Perth to Hobart? No worries!
'Posting a finished embroidered tapestry panel to Scotland was always a mixture of delight and regret...'
Sitting in The Pans throughout 2013 and 2014, as the panels arrived from 34 countries across the globe to create the magnificent Scottish Diaspora Tapestry were, for us, euphoric moments. But those who'd spent the 250+ hours stitching for their love of Scotland and their ancestors had different sentiments. Proud yes to have played a very significant part but sad to see heir artwork off and away.
So we made a promise from The Pans to all who stitched that, as best we all could, we'd take the entire artwork around the globe to as many of the embroidery groups that created it as possible. And so it has been, currently is, and will continue to be.
Now it's not a walk-in-the-park arranging an exhibition. Ask them in Barga, Bergen or Boussy, Adelaide or Albury, Veere or Winnipeg ... so we probably wont be going everywhere that panels were stitched ... although digitally of course we are via our free APP on both Apple and Android.
One community we had hoped indeed planned to visit was Perth, Western Australia. [Ed. I know and love it because I taught there in the last century!] But 'the best laid schemes .... gang aft agly' as this month's acclaimed Scottish poet [whose Celebrations coincide with Australia Day no less] reminded mice and men!
But Hobart, Tasmania [LINKED DIRECTLY HERE] has been able as part of the current tour DownUnder hosted by Dr Neil McGlashan whose family were involved stitchers, working with the State Museum & Library, LINC. So it was to Hobart that two stitchers of the James Drummond panel [AU33] stitched in Bayswater, Perth WA, perforce made their way this week. No worries! Here they are standing proudly in front of the panel [bottom of 3].

And to appreciate their artwork better, here's a larger image of both their panel with its text in English & Gaelic, and of their own Bayswater township. The named collective stitchers are Margaret Pike, Helen Geijsel, Grace Campbell. Helen Geijsel, Jenny Ginson, Joan Hnscliff, Karen Murdoch, Beth Berry, Dellys Rodgers, Lyn Watt & Evadne Spickett. Thanks to you all - Tapadh leibh uile!

James Drummond (1787 – 1863) trained as a gardener in Scotland, having been born at Inverarity. In 1828 he was offered a post as an official naturalist for the new Swan River colony in Western Australia. By 1834 however his post had been abolished. He then found work collecting seeds and flora samples which would then be sold on. Drummond settled on an estate at Tooday, and once the farm was established he was able to continue collecting whilst his sons took over its management. He recorded many unknown plant species, and many more are named after him.
Thug Seumas Druimeanach (1787–1863) a-mach trčanadh mar ghŕirnealair ann an Alba, agus rugadh e ann an Inbhir Aradaidh. Ann an 1828, chaidh dreuchd a thairgsinn dha mar neachnŕdair oifigeil airson coloinidh ůr Abhainn na hEala ann an Taobh Siar Astrŕilia. Ann an 1834 getŕ, chaidh dčanamh air falbh leis an dreuchd. Fhuair e an uair sin obair a’ cruinneachadh sěl agus sampallan de phlanntrais a bha an uair sin air an reic. Thuinich an Druimeanach air oighreachd aig Tooday, agus aon uair ‘s gun robh an tuathanachas stčidhichte, bha e comasach dha leantainn air adhart a’ cruinneachadh fhad ‘s a bha a mhic ga stiůireadh. Chlŕr e mňran ghnčithean planntrais air nach robh aithne, agus tha mňran eile air an ainmeachadh ŕs a dhčidh.

Published Date: January 13th 2016