Naseby Re-enactments Imminent - 100 years before The Pans
June 1645 was critical moment for the Jacobites and Charles I was defeated at Naseby
It took place 100 years before Bonnie Prince Charlie's famous victory in Prestonpans. And as we move forward with the Triennial September Battle Re-enactments across East Lothian - The Pans, Dunbar & Pinkie Cleugh - a greater interest in and awareness of the English Civil War is on the curriculum! Discussions for Dunbar are well advanced with the English Civil War Society of which longstanding participants at Prestonpans, The Glenbuckets, are members.
Many of those who make their way to Naseby on June 13th/ 14th will hopefully be joining the Scottish Battlefields Trust [SBT] at its 1650 Dunbar re-enactment in September 2016. An early but very warm Welcome awaits. It was the execution of King Charles I that led we Scots to Proclaim King Charles II as rightful monarch and to provoke Cromwell to march north with Monk and finally triumph in Dunbar.

It was the vandalism that drove the A14 across the site of that famous battle in 1645 in Northamptonshire which was the fillip to the creation of the UK Battlefields Trust. If Stonehenge can see the road in a tunnel why not Naseby? Unacceptable proposals for Culloden and Prestonpans were key catalysts for our own SBT establishment last year. And Lord Naseby along with the Duke of Somerset were immediately ready to offer their support as High Patrons.
Two obelisks/ monuments no less at Naseby.

Published Date: June 8th 2015