Global Conferential Tales II: School's In ...Masters Watching ... Painting ... Talking ...!
Every local artist had the opportunity to learn with the greats
Scotland's Global Conference was especially concerned to involve local Scottish artists in a parallel Summer School working in Master Classes with the world's leading muralists who were attending. Accordingly Andrew Crummy, the Arts Festival Director, invited Sandy Moffat, Wei Luan, Art Mortimer, Michelle Loughery and John Pugh to offer such classes, which they graciously did for some 30 or more participants. It has been widely acknowledged as one of the outstanding innovative successes of the Conference. On Friday at the concluding Civic Reception some outputs were on view although much of each class had been inspirational exchanges of ideas.
[click on all images to enlarge]

Talking in the Town Hall Too
But access to and sharing with these five leading global muralists was not limited to their Master Classes alone. Thursday was set aside whilst the Mural-in-a-Day was in progress for an OpenHouse Session with all conference guests in the Town Hall, also the scene of the exhibition tables. There they were joined by one of the UK's longstanding mural artists Ken White who pioneered historical murals in Swindon England in the nineteen seventies, created myriad works for Sir Richard Branson, and is currently working with Scotland's latest murals town, Invergordon, and in Canada's Sussex, New Brunswick.
Equally significant that day was the presentation of leading US Arts and Politics Campaigner, Alan Barnett, pictured below.

Published Date: August 14th 2006