Burriss 'Celebration' of Art : 2006 - 2008
2006/ 2007 Burriss Bursary Applications Overwhelm the Judges
As usual it was more than difficult to select a winning applicant for the 2006/ 2007 Burriss Bursary from a much bigger field than ever before. The Panel was chaired by Dr Julian Wills, Baron of Dolphinstoun and included the Prestoungrange Festival Arts Convenor Andrew Crummy with Joanna Mawdsley who is Cultural Co-ordinator for East Lothian Council. But the choice had to be made and the occasion for its announcement was the Opening of the Exhibition of the Works created by the 2005 / 2006 Joint Winners, Adele Robertson and Margaret Fraser.
The Exhibition continues until mid August with all the paintings for sale some of which are illustrated below.
Click on all images to enlarge
Adele Robertson
Maggie Fraser
Patrick Fox of Prestonpans The Winner for 2006/ 2007
Patrick had already designed the 2005 Arts Festival Christmas card, but he won the judges votes and £2000 support for his evocation of the town's often neglected horticultural history and the style he used to do it. Additionally his deep concern for arts and crafts led the judges to invite him to become 'Keeper of Arts amnd Crafts at The Gothenburg' for Centenary Year 2008'.
Given the outstanding pattern of applications, the judges decided to offer additional bursaries and fellowships in the arts up to a total value of £8,500 in the current year to carry forward several of the ideas proposed. The success, they commented, of the very concept of the Burriss Bursary is something to be greatly appreciated in Prestonpans and is, of course, the result of the outstanding contributions of June Coull in 2004/ 2005 and the two 2005/ 2006 artists exhibiting currently.
Burriss Bursary 2006/ 2008
Gardner Molloy has already made significant contributions to the work of the Arts Festival at The Gothenburg and to the Three Harbours Festival. For the Centenary of The Gothenburg in 2008 he was invited to accept the Burriss Bursary for 2006 / 2008 in the sum of £2000 to create his chosen portrait in stone of Mr Buchanan, with two aditional 'wishes'. Mr Buchanan's tales of life in The Pans should also be captured as a first step by Gardner Molloy by tape recorder or similar for publication alongside the portrait in stone; and Gardner should once again provide organised 'open house' opportunities as the work progresses.

A new award - The Lord Novar Fellowship 2006/ 2008 was given to Carol Melrose and Shona McMillan
Lord Novar was, along with Thomas Nelson, one of the founders of The Gothenburg in 1908. This new award of £2000, taking his name, went to Carol Melrose and Shona McMillan for their creative multimedia time-series approach to Prestonpans history then, now and yet to come. They were designated in this work as Official Historians for the Centenary Celebrations of the Prestoungrange Gothenburg - and especially congratulated on their exploration of The Future of The Pans.

The Battle of Prestonpans [1745] Heritage Trust Fellowship went to Jane Innes-Campbell
Jane's application caught the attention of the Trustees of the new Heritage Trust for the town's famous battle in 1745. She was invited to accept a £1000 Fellowship to September 21st 2007 to create three works that capture the perspectives of Victory, Hope and Ambition arising from the Battle of Prestonpans as artistic elements in the campaign for its better interpretation and presentation to indwellers and visitors.

Sheena Munro received the Sir John Ross Fellowship for completion by October 31st 2008
Sheena is a well established composer and the Fellowship's award of £1500 was given to enable her both to take her existing work to Mastered Broadcast Standard and to create a musical based around the story of the 81 Witches of Prestonpans for its premiere in Prestonpans at Centenary Halloween. [Sir John Ross, along with Lord Novar and Thomas Nelson, was a member of The Gothenburg's foundation team in 1908.]
Published Date: July 23rd 2006