GothPoints Rollover Jackpot Hits Headlines
It couldn't have happened to a nicer crowd!
Somebody had to win the ever accumulating GothPoints jackpot for Members. It had rolled over for no less than 21 Tuesdays, at its guaranteed £100 each week. James Fairgreave, the town's famed artist and recent exhibitor at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg had already lost out twice! Despite regular [but clearly not regular enough] attendances at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on Tuesday nights since July, not one of the 400+ Members of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival Charity had managed to be 'in the right place at the right time'......until last Tuesday, November 29th, when Julie Aitken and the team from the Harlaw Hill Day Care Centre struck rich. And they are winners everyone approved of .. particularly as Christmas approaches.
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Always worth being in The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on a Tuesday!
GothPoints are earned by Members of the Arts Festival Charity. That means they have donated at least £1, and many considerably more, to the work of the charity that drives the Arts Festival along in the Pans. That membership gives them a GothPoints plastic card to be shown at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg whenever there and buying almost anything except alcohol or tobacco. Members then earn loyalty GothPoints they can spend later. It also means their name as a Member goes in for a weekly Tuesday draw of £100.
Its a magical charity scheme because it identifies through contributing membership those who actively support the Gothenburg Principles being followed. But more than that it encourages loyalty and thereby also boosts the Arts Festival's recurrent income. And the magic of Tuesdays in particular? Well, its potentially a quiet night but one when its worth turning out to meet many of the other Arts Festival Members .. and there is always the chance of a small [or a big] jackpot boost!
Published Date: November 29th 2005