Diaspora Panel Stitchers read on here please ...
Complete Official Guide to all 305 Panels .. including yours!
In the coming weeks, across the globe, those amongst you who were the 'first named' stitcher for each panel [and only them] will be receiving a letter. In it will be the PASSWORD and WEB ADDRESS you need to purchase as many additional copies of the Official Guide as you all would like at a Stitchers Only Discount of 17%. You can also get a 17% discount on Rosemary Farmer & Maggie Ferguson's wonderful book based on our tapestries - The Art of Narrative Embroidery.
N.B. You can buy as many additional copies as you wish and you can encourage all your friends and fellow stitchers too to use that PASSWORD for the discount up till August 31st 2015 when it will expire.
It's tempting to think bulk despatch might save on the not inconsiderable cost of postage these days, and it might. But once you get above a single copy of a book some countries add Customs/ Import Duties which you will have to pay on delivery. So the general principle is that we ship no more than two different books in any one parcel.
This opportunity to take the discount is in addition to the ONE GRATIS CASE BOUND/ HARD BACK COPY PER FIRST NAMED STITCHER that will either be posted to you or you will be invited to collect as explained in the letter which is on its way to you. If it is posted to you we shall be using International Economy [sea!] which is not that speedy outside Europe so be patient for its arrival!
For your interest, the cover looks like this below, and will see the light of Dutch day on May 30th in Veere, The Netherlands. It is in English & Gaelic both, as was the 1st Guide to the initial 167 Panels published in May 2014. The 25 countries are now 34 and there are an extra 138 beautiful Panels.

FOOTNOTE: If any stitchers entitled to a discount have enthusiastically ordered and paid for a copy of the Complete Guide before learning of the password, we will do our best to ensure the 17% discount is credited back to you via PayPal BUT it will take a wee while to sort it all out because [we're delighted] despatches are going through the roof and we're running hard to get the books shipped out starting in early June. Please be very very patient and we'll definitely get it sorted! That's a promise.
Published Date: May 8th 2015