World Premiere of Completed 305 Panel Scottish Diaspora Tapestry - Veere, The Netherlands May 30th
It's imminent, all 305 panels of this magnificent artwork will go on display until July 28th in Veere
There could be no more appropriate diaspora location. Veere has had in office since 1541 a Conservator of Scottish Privileges in The Netherlands although its commercial duties lapsed with the French Revolution in 1799. Today's Honorary Conservator Neil Wallace will be on hand however to help launch the exhibition alongside the Mayor Rob van der Zwaag, the President of Stitchting Delta Cultureel & Stichting Veere-Schotland, Harry Buiter, the President of the Stichting Veere-Schotland Peter Blom and Secretary Tiny Polderman.
Details of all the Netherlands panels from Veere, Rotterdam and Leiden can be found LINKED HERE, but we've selected the Conservator's own and the Rev. Robert Walker from Rotterdam to display below:

The schedule for May 30th is a busy one as follows:
09.30 Arrival with Coffee/ Tea and Pipers
10.00 Welcome by Harry Buiter, President Stitchting Delta Cultureel & Stitchting Veere-Schotland
10.15 Speeches by The Mayor of Veere, Rob van der Zwaag & Honorary Conservator of Scottish Privileges Neil Wallace and Reply by Dr Gordon Wills, Chairman of Scottish Diaspora Tapestry Team
Musical entertainment with songs from the diaspora by Veere choir Quodlibet
10.45 Presentations & Thanks to Veere, Rotterdam & Leiden Stitchers
11.00 Exhibition formally Opened to Visitors with pipers and flyering across the community and Fish Market
14.00 Tour of Veere's Scottish Quarter led by Tiny Polderman and Scottish music from the community's carillon
18.00 Celebration Reception for Scottish VIPs & Dinner
Throughout the Exhibition there will be a series of events
May 30/ July 25th every Saturday 14.00hrs WALKING TOUR OF SCOTTISH VEERE - reservations @
June 13th Morning & Afternoon: A Journey through time and place with storyteller Ewan McVicar. Three different performances -
TWO LEFT ARMS Explores the surprising story and song linkages over 900 years between Scotland & Veere, and other Flanders connections
THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Using original magic lantern images Ewan tells of the long African explorations, exciting discoveries and dark troubles of Scot David Livingston - depicted in Malawi Panels MW 01 & MW 02 linked here
A WALK THROUGH TIME & PLACE Ewan leads a perambulating talk through the exhibition, telling tales and singing songs of the doings of the Scottish people in many lands.
June 27th Theatre for the Kids
11.00 Waar is mijn die-do-doedelzak? [2/4 years]
13.00 & 15.00 Het monster van Loch Ness halt de geest uit de fles [4/10 years]
Weekend July 4th/ 5th - Outdoors
Living history with re-enactment Group Campveere, including encampment, concerts and theatre
July 18th - Church Kleine Kerk Veere
20.00 Unique Diaspora Concert by Brian McNeill, Scottish Folk Musician
July 27th - Final Exhibition Festivities - and then off to Barga in Tuscany!
.... and the long wait will be over on May 30th for the Complete Official Guide to The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry, all 305 panels in full colour on 392pp ...
It will be published AM on May 30th at Veere .. you can advance order copies now either Case bound or Paper @ the Prestoungrange Arts Festival Boutique linked DIRECTLY FROM HERE

Published Date: May 7th 2015