Lest we forget .. it's Appletons Wools that colour the tapestries ..
All our stitchers in 35 countries know it's Appletons ...

... but do they know the wools are sourced and dyed in Bradford Yorkshire; and packed and warehoused in Long Crendon in Buckinghamshire? Or that since 2013 it's been owned by Diana Cawdron, a lifelong stitcher herself, who purchased the enterprise two years ago from the Appleton family - who'd run it since before Queen Victoria took the throne?

Find all their latest news LINKED DIRECTLY HERE

... but last week there was finally an opportunity to get behind the scenes in Long Crendon and understand the inventory systems and how the colour cards are crafted and more ... and last, but not least, there's Diana Cawdron [left] with Avril Wills!

Published Date: April 24th 2015