Scottish Battlefields Trust pictured across the nation ...
Scottish Battlefields Trust support continues to grow ..

Arran Johnston, Director of the Scottish Battlefields Trust, was able to report handsome progress to the 4th Meeting of Trustees on April 16th. Additional Trustees were co-opted until the 1st AGM that will be held in Spring 2016 and proposals for a significant publishing initiative with Helion Military explored. The venue for the 5th National Battlefields Symposium, also in 2016, will be resolved formally and announced by May.

Most visible certainly was the media interest in the Trust's first major photo-shoot by Tony Marsh - depicting Scottish re-enactors across the ages - from Romans to Jacobites and Redcoats and Picture of The Day status!

More good news ..
Legalities and Membership details were finalised by the Trustees and the 1325 & rising Facebook Supporters are all now cordially [?] invited to register their continuing support by joining. A Jack-in-the-Box flyer has been created - of course!

... and of course, there's the Facebook link with much information as the Trust rolls forward ... HERE& NOW!

Published Date: April 22nd 2015