Bergen Exhibition welcomes Oslo Stitchers and more ...
Just a train ride away, and Grieg's stitchers came to Bergen!
Since Edvard Grieg is most definitely associated with Bergen, his summer home just on the edge of town there, it was perhaps surprising that the two volunteers to stitch his diaspora panel came from Oslo. But they did....
To see their finished work, stretched and displayed with all the Baltic others and more, Berit Damm [left] and Randi Årstal had to take the train to Bergen! And they were the celebrity visitors on Thursday 26th March.
Barbara McIntosh welcomed them both, took the photo and presented them souvenir books.
Earlier in the week BA - BergenAvisen had given the exhibition page 3 coverage ... attracting an ever growing flow of visitors and recalling Aaron Johnston's visit for the Opening pictured next to the panel he stitched himself of the Jacobite Royals in Paris in the 18th century.

.... and back home in The Pans, the East Lothian Courier kept us all up to date ..
Ed: Margaret Torbjørnsen of the Bergen Scottish Society, which has organised the Bergen exhibition, is herself from Shetland who joined the diaspora there after marrying a Norwegian oilman she'd met in Aberdeen. She was brought up on tales of the Shetland Bus and proudly recounts how she met one of Norway's greatest WW II Resistance leaders, Leif Andreas Larsen DSO, DSC, CGM, DSM and Bar, frequently on board that Bus which in its own right is recorded in one of the Norwegian panels - stitched by Lillabeth Sørhuus of Oslo it's just sneaking in below Grieg in the top photograph above.
Published Date: April 6th 2015