George Thompson's 3 Sons to brew Fowler's 3 Harbours IPA
The man who installed the microbrewery in 2004 returns ... with 3 sons ..
The 3 harbours IPA comes with a Promise in the forthcoming 3 Harbours 2015 Programme shortly available. The first 100 £10 diners aged 18 + can have a pint of the IPA on the house. It's been especially brewed for the man in Banff who wrote in 1841 asking for a Cask for One Guinea. Anyone bringing an 1841 guinea can have a cask today too - needs to be the 1841 gold guinea though or a Penny Black will do!

First details and some history here from the East Lothian News, and it's true, if there's some light industrial development in a reconstructed old kiln at The Prestongrange Museum, Fowler's would love to be there.

... and the balance of Henry Grover's poem in 1839 is as follows:
“Though grey are my locks, and wrinkled my brow,
Though my strength and my eyesight both fail,
I’m as blithe as the lark and cheerful e’en now,
O’er a bottle of John Fowler’s Ales
“I covet not riches to render me blest,
And honours I count no avail;
Of all my enjoyments, the one I like best,
Is a bottle of John Fowler’s Ale.
“To those who despise the comfort I find,
And liquors of all kinds assail,
I’ll venture to say they would alter their mind,
If they tasted but John Fowler’s Ale.
“Such blessings as these we should never despise,
But make it a rule without fail,
Not to drink to excess but be merry and wise,
O’er a bottle of John Fowler’s Ale.”
Published Date: March 13th 2015