The final extra panels accumulating for Diaspora Tapestry can now be seen ...
Accumulating Exhibition opens at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on March 5th .. and runs until May 20th
The Diaspora Tapestry has grown and grown since its original inception. It was planned to create 150 500mm x 500mm panels for the Homecoming Exhibition on May 31st in Prestonpans Community Centre. But on the day there were already 167 and embroiderers still clamouring to be included. That saw 217 on show by end December 2014. But there were/ are still 88 to come in by the exhibition final deadline of May 31st 2015, a total of 305.
Since the plan is to be away from The Pans until 2017 with touring exhibitions around the diaspora itself, starting this month with the 217 in Bergen Norway, it's been resolved to display those final 88 on an accumulating basis before they 'disappear' overseas.
March 5th sees Kathy Troup, Editor of Stitch, the house magazine of the global Embroiderers Guild, at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg to launch the first 13 at 12 noon. Addition cohorts will be added in the weeks until May 20th when they must all be packed away for their journey across the diaspora.

We never ever suggest any panel is better or worse than any other but one [above] stitched in Sydney Australia amongst these 13 stitched by two nees Macpherson and Lucy Junor [AU 11] is especially intriguing - that auld Scottish song Waltzing Matilda .. and Dr Livingston below ...

Ed: The list of the initial 13 accumulator panels and their stitchers is given below:
AR 04 – R B Cunningham Graham Don Roberto by Leo Chiacho and Daniel Giannone
AU 10 – Captain John MacArthur, Merino Sheep by Heather Smallbone nee Macpherson
AU 11 – Banjo Paterson, Waltzing Matilda by Heather Smallbone, Lucy Junor, Helen Johnson nee Macpherson
AU 12 - Dorothea MacKellar by Frances Crown, Elizabeth Campbell-MacKenzie
AU 13 - Andrew & John Petrie by Clare Chapman
AU 16 - Qantas by Janet E C Morrison
AU 31 - Charles Duguid by Rene Coussens Ford
CA 02 – Nova Scotia Gaels by Pauline Maclean, Emily MacDonald
CA 03 – The Hector by Alison Jackson, Maureen Fisher, Barbara Grantmyre
CA 34 - The Megantic Outlaw by Jane Loiselle
IN 13 Vale of Leven Turkey Red by Alexandra Harvey
MW 01 David Livingston by Marie Austin, Christine Craig, Winnie Cumming, Fiona Davies, Mary Godden, Dorothy MacKenzie, Jean Morrison, Mary M Scott, Jack Thompson, Phyllis Thompson
NL 10 Rev. Robert Walker by Virginia Hendriks, Marion Pot-Davidson, Anneke Pot, Maureen Vollema
Published Date: March 2nd 2015