Actually, 'twas more than an oversight. 'Twas a significant error ...
.. the fact is that individuals who had not spoken with the local communities concerned took it upon themselves to make unacceptable proposals and because of the said 'oversight' they remained secret, yes secret!
It was Marie Sharp at the East Lothian Courier who broke the story last May but it wasn't until November 2014 that the erroneous workings of CEO Angela Leitch's 'professional integrity' at East Lothian Council became clear.
As the CRA observes, the community didn't know what had been cooked up, including the suggestions for Blindwells, but neither did the Council's Cabinet or Council Members at large. Well well. Quite an administrative oversight, more like a ....

We've got to sustain the momentum throughout 2015. And it's great news that both The Courier and East Lothian News are determined to stay the course with the community as the stooshie rumbles on.

Published Date: January 9th 2015