Athelstaneford & Carberry Battles Remembered ..
Carberry in the picture at last ... but not yet well remembered
Rather like the siege of Haddington or the Siege of Bass Rock, the 'battle' at Carberry that never quite took place was a defining moment in East Lothian and Scottish history and very much so for Mary Queen of Scots.
However all are yet to be formally remembered and interpreted on a regular basis. But at the upcoming National Battlefields Symposium on October 24th all three are very much on the Agenda.
What has been most encouraging in recent years is the celebration of Athelstaneford and the adoption of St Andrew's Saltire as the flag of Scotland. Once again this year, much will be explored on St Andrew's day. And intriguingly the image offered in the county press is of Carberry!

Published Date: October 23rd 2014