Tapestry Pavilion Planning Application Lodged for Heritage Museum
The Trust seeks formal consent to build the Pavilion at Prestongrange Heritage Museum
Discussions have proceeded slowly, too slowly say the embroiderers, to find a suitable location for the 104 metre Prestonpans Tapestry, completed in July 2010. It's been on a outstandingly successful tour to nearly 50 locations in Scotland, England and France attracting some 300,000 visitors. It will next be in Oban for their Fasanta Festival on November 1st and 2nd.
But it yearns for its permanent home, which best estimates suggest if in The Pans can expect to attract some 100,000 visitors each year. To achieve that however a 'world class' exhibition pavilion and associated Living History Centre are required.
The Trust's ambition and hope is that these can be at the Prestongrange Heritage Museum both in and close by a restored Bath House. To be world class in total, of course, the site's other very significant heritage assets must also be upgraded to be yet more attractive to visitors. So that's no small challenge for the Trust or East Lothian Council!.
In February 2012, at the trust's request, Andrew Hillhouse sketched out how the site might one day look - as shown below.
The Planning Application is intended to seek a formal resolution, and if this cannot be agreed, negotiations with a number of alternative locations will be pursued

Published Date: September 29th 2014