East Lothian News continues its campaign in support of Coastal Regeneration Alliance and 1745 Battle Trust
From Day 1 East Lothian News promised to support the campaign ... thanks again to Julie Douglas and all @ ELN ...
Under their Campaign title 'Power to the People' East Lothian Courier carries the cheering story of this last week that at least our elected MSP Iain Gray is well in tune with the voices the Coastal Regeneration Alliance is making heard. May the others listen up too please ...
...and although Iain Gray did not mention the 1745 Battle site and Historic Scotland's proposition that building an [Inch]Cape SubStation there is just fine, actually on the battle site, opposition to that continues to be outspoken way after East Lothian Council's Planning Committee nodded it through.
The 1745 Battle Trust meets on September 17th to explore its next steps. Historic Scotland has declined an invitation to attend and to discuss the basis for its original Objection being waived after minor modifications by [Inch]Cape - the subject already of a Freedom of Information Request from the Trust. This particular stooshie threatens to reach a peak at the 4th National Biennial Battlefield Symposium to be held in Prestonpans on October 24th. And when [Inch]Cape's full plans for its SubStation are tabled in the coming months outright nationwide opposition will be marshalled as well as that already evidenced from the Coastal Regeneration Alliance.

Published Date: September 13th 2014