Red Light not Green ... don't build on the battle site or its burial grounds. The colour is Brown!
No Green Lights Hereabouts - no matter what Planners might advise the Committee and Council
It remains outrageous that any official or politician should think it appropriate to build on the battle site at Prestonpans when acres of brownfield land are available just a few metres to the north. When will someone call Scottish Power to account and stop all this nonsense.
Neither should we seriously be considering allowing any more of the battle site to be taken into industrial or residential use. Since 2006 in The Pans we have made a great effort to conserve and interpret the battle that Bonnie Prince Charlie won in September 1745. We have done so to ensure the story is told and understood and in doing so to attract visitors to the communities.

Why do 'they' fly in the face of common sense then?
The Head of Heritage at Historic Scotland, Barbara Cunmmins, let the cat out of the bag in her letter to the Trust last week. So far as she is concerned we are not significant, we are insufficiently in the national interest, we are insignificant on the national scene. And furthermore, we should be smart enough to understand the benefits destroying some of our heritage site offers 'the nation' as it creates sustainable economic development. Lie back and think of ......
We have. We beg to differ absolutely. We are significant and the protection of the heritage site is very much in both the national interest and that of our community where visitor numbers are estimated to be able to reach 100,000+ once we are in top gear. That sub-station will create no sustainable economic development hereabouts that could not be realised on brownfield land to the north.

So to a seemingly green light [East Lothian Courier] from our Planners in East Lothian, juxtapose the Red Light [East Lothian News] from the Battle Trust and the Coastline Regeneration Alliance. Green and Red make BROWN!

Published Date: August 29th 2014