Captain Burnet's Time Achieved .. Arthur's Seat Conquered in less than 15 minutes ..
The challenge had been set and the wager was a Charles I 30/- piece ... could a City Guard make it to the summit of Arthur's Seat from St Anthony's Well in less than 15 minutes?

The Guard's honour was upheld by Richard Ell [above centre] in 10 minutes, followed by his wife Shelley [below left] in 15 minutes. The Guards' officer corps did less well with Arran Johnston [left above] taking 20 minutes. Colonel-in-Chief Martin Margulies [below right] and the Baron of Prestoungrange [right above] both took 36 minutes to reach the top which is 822'above sea level.
After the Big Walk to the Top, legend has it the Captain and his friends retired for a splendid supper ...
... and so did the Edinburgh City Guard and friends. To The Prestoungrange Gothenburg for the Annual 'Alan Breck Prestonpans Volunteers' Regimental Dinner. Colonel-in-Chief Martin Margulies was joined at supper by his wife Beth, pictured below.
The 2nd Edition of Martin Margulies' definitive Battle of Prestonpans 1745 was also launched at the Regimental Dinner. Copies are of course available at the Online Shop/ Boutique linked from this page price £15 + pp.

P.S. We got very lucky that a video enthusiast, Bryce Morrison, went ahead of us all the way to the top and captured a good storyline for posterity!

Jane Barlow from The Scotsman also climbed with the City Guard and we are pleased to publish two of her photographs below.
Published Date: July 22nd 2013