Scottish Weekend in Bayeux: Confirmed as September 14th/ 15th 2013
Dates for the Scottish Weekend have been CONFIRMED from Bayeux as September 14th/ 15th ...

.... that's the OPENING WEEKEND. The Scottish Party that is being put together, and volunteers are still able to sign up, is expected to muster there on Friday 13th [lucky date that] and be ready for action throughout Saturday/ Sunday. Return is from Monday AM, 16th.
More Good News ... there are 25 x £100 Bursaries for those who wish to make the visit and join the Pageant!
The Battle Trust is able to offer 25 x £100 Bursaries to any who are willing to make their way to Bayeux with appropriate attire. And Yes, there will also be a complimentary invitation to the Most un-Scottish Norman Banquet whilst we are there.
At this juncture we need to know who might care to apply for the Bursaries and The Banquet in return for their 'Scottish services'. If there are more than 25 hopefuls, we are sure we'll find a few more bursaries.
Once we know who's interested we'll be able to discuss logistics, chateau rentals and the rest.
IF YOU'D LIKE TO EXPLORE WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN AND SUGGEST YOU'D LIKE TO TAKE PART ... please be in touch with either Arran Johnston [ ] or Gordon Prestoungrange [ ].
Their names are linked directly if that helps.
Please also suggest what your attire/ contribution might be from playing fiddle or the pipes, embroidering, singing the pibroch or simply walking the walk, marching the march and eating the haggis .....
And please be in touch asap with email addresses so we can start to plan and design the Pageant, remembering always that the best laid schemes ... aft gang agly!!
Published Date: June 28th 2013