Prestonpans Tapestry Gets a Bayeux Invitation - September/ October 2013
Flattered, yes, and honoured too!
To put it mildly, the Battle Trust is very happy indeed today. Whilst the ultimate superlatives this week belong to Team GB's [and many other nation's] Olympians who reach the Finals and hopefully win medals, the Prestonpans Tapestry can nevertheless congratulate itself.
What was accomplished in 2009/ 2010 as Andrew Crummy's 104 illustrations were lovingly stitched and sewn together by +200 volunteers for the enjoyment and education thus far of +120,000 visitors, was inspired by the 900 year old Bayeux Tapestry. May we live so long!
So to be invited to join that UNESCO World Heritage artwork, actually within its dedicated Musee de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, for a two month exhibition is both an honour and greatly flattering.

Yes, there's a condition or two ...
There's a condition that when our exhibition opens in September 2013 we must provide a highly creditable and significant Scottish Fanfare. Sounds a challenge but we achieved one in Pornichet/ St Nazaire with the inspired help of Jean Cevaer and Hubert Chemereau [reported HERE] ... so we've done a successful trial run.
The second condition is that our presentation needs to be somewhat en francais. And there too we have made some progress with the TinTin tale of the Battle created by John Unwin for Pornichet/ St Nazaire and the French commentary version of the animated DVD.
But we do need volunteers on both fronts please: [1] French speaking Scots/ friends of Scotland; and [2] volunteers to participate in the Scottish Fanfare early in September 2013.
Ambition is a long weekend Thursday/ Monday
What is currently being proposed is an extended weekend with music, dancing, story telling and of course exploring the tapestry ... and to this end negotiations are in hand with a tour company to assemble a suitable package.
The Arts Festival has already arranged four such expeditions to Barga with great success - that 'Scottish' town in Tuscany, our twin town, - and they are now embroidering their diaspora story as a key part of the current big Diaspora Tapestry for 2014. So the notion is perfectly viable. It's not a maybe, it's a definitely will be!
Will all interested and willing to join in this Bayeux project please be in touch as soon as possible so you can join in the design and planning stages from the outset. Contact Arran Johnston HERE
Announcement came as Culture Minister finally got to see the Tapestry at St Mary's Episcopalian Cathedral
The formal announcement of the Bayeux Invitation was made as Fiona Hyslop, Culture and European Affairs Cabinet Secretary, finally made it to see the Tapestry at St Mary's Cathedral. [Andrew Crummy was on hand to tell the tale ..]

It's been on display there since June and remains till end August throughout The Fringe. As happened last year when it had a similar run at the Cathedral, thousands of visitors are taking the chance to see our artwork, many for a second or third time. Its scale and colour and beauty still amaze them all as comments in the Visitors' Book show ... and they do indeed use Olympian Superlatives...

Published Date: August 10th 2012