Poets-on-Fire add their thoughts for the Battle Tapestry: June 3rd
Power to inspire remains undimmed ...
The ability of the Prestonpans Tapestry as a community artwork continues to inspire other artists to share and build on what the 200+ embroiderers achieved in 2009/ 2010 to stitch 105 metres.
The 3Harbours Festival will see an added poetic attraction at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on June 3rd [1.00 pm - 7.00 pm] as detailed below in the press cutting from the East Lothian Courier. The Goth has seen much poetry this past decade not least from Poet Laureate John Lindsay and some McGonagall Nights too ... it will be delighted to see yet more no doubt!
For further details link HERE

Footnote: Please to record ...
The Prestonpans story, produced at the Poets' Workshop in the Prestoungrange Gothenburg, June 3rd, 2012, by members of Craigmillar Writers, Inky Fingers, and Tyne & Esk Writers is given below. Poetry Champion Blair Ritchie selected the verses from those offered by participants. Scribe was Josie Samuels, and the workshop was led by Colin Will.
Copyright © Verses by Brenda Thomson, Alec Beattie, Pauline Chumbley, Colin Will, Billy McKirdy and Johnni Stanton 2012
On Eriskay they landed fine,
Charlie and seven men.
Glad to reach home well and sound,
The standard flew again.
We marched with Charlie, heading South,
And clansmen swelled our ranks.
We polished muskets, sharpened blades,
To kill the English flanks.
The camp was built ‘neath Arthur’s Seat;
Troops were fed and rested.
Dreams of foes they’d yet to meet,
Their courage would be tested.
Sword and mace and pike and maul
Battered through the misty morn,
And long before we sought the fight
The battle had been won.
The story of the battle proud
Made real upon a cloth,
Embroidered far and wide by many
For Scotland’s folk be troth’t.
The battle played out long ago
When Charlie won the day,
A legend forever in Scottish hearts
And for Scotland – come what may.
Published Date: June 21st 2012