3rd National Battlefield Symposium in Prestonpans: June 14th - ALL WELCOME
Here's something different! 'Talking' about Battlefields ..
Well, it's commonplace these days in The Pans to expect re-enactments every September and Tapestry Tales year round and now reports from across the Channel. But sitting down and talking about Battlefields and their Interpretation ... we've not done that for two years ... since the 2nd Biennial Symposium [LINKED HERE].
Now here comes the 3rd Symposium with Herbert Coutts, Trust Vice Chairman, again acting as Convenor and assembling a fascinating list of speakers and topics @ the Pans' Town Hall on June 14th..
What can we learn from Culloden today? More optimism than the Prince derived surely. And what can we learn from Bill Hayley who has seen more battlefields across the world interpret and present themselves than most. Arran Johnston gives an early insight into his latest research project and forthcoming book on all the battles that have raged across East Lothian since we first saw the Saltire above us at Athelstaneford. And there's more too as the programme below sets out ... and a pre-ordered lunch @ The Gothenburg [that's not free but entry and participation is for all who care to come along.]

P.S. Yes, the painting is a section from Andrew Hillhouse's Camerons about to seize the redcoat cannons on September 21st 1745 ..

P.P.S Yes also, we certainly support the proposed designation of Dunbar I in 1296 as a significant Scottish battlefield for Historic Scotland's 'National Inventory'. Arran Johnston's forthcoming book addresses the occasion which serves as an important trigger for our learning and understanding of the nation's history.

Published Date: May 15th 2012