BattleBus Waved Off as Trustees Review Alternatives C,D,E,F & G ...
Final Journey of the Late BattleBus to Longbridge, West Lothian ....
The Trustees decided earlier on this year that the BattleBus, after its distinguished 5 year career with the Trust, should bow out! It had been increasingly upstaged by the Battle Tapestry itself as the Trust's calling card; and drivers were often hard to find for its 7.5 tons even when the batteries weren't flat. The tearful moment came last week after the Trustees' April meeting.

Trustees also got their boots muddied!
Waving off the BattleBus might have been high on the agenda for the latest Trustee moot, but even more serious was the evaluation of Plans C,D,E F & G - possible locations for the Battle Living History Centre if East Lothian Council do not eventually agree that it should be at Prestongrange Heritage Park. [Plan A was of course the Battle Bing itself, and Plan B is the Heritage Park!]
Current hot favourites in the locality [and those outside the Lothians were not visited] shown above are Cockenzie House and Bankton House; [below, the auld fellow's been waiting a while and Prince Henry has sneaked into the Doocot there at Bankton!].
But how about the soon-to-be redundant Coal Store for Cockenzie Power Station which sits astride the Waggonway and has an excellent view of the battlefield from east to west?

At the far eastern end of the battlefield of course there is Seton Farm Shop. And lastly, the deserted Haldane's Supermarket on Pans High Street was certainly 'friendly' [as the sign reads] as a temporary location if not an appropriate final solution.
Hopefully none of these will be necessary because the Heritage Park, Plan B location as seen below, will be acceptable. Responses from Municipal Council Candidates and local parties are flowing in and thus far the outcome looks very hopeful indeed i.e. lots of support!

Published Date: April 22nd 2012