Tapestry Talk at Musselburgh's French Twin - Champigny
Liz Neilson & Cohort 16 with her French Squeeze
Cohort 16, [Panels 81-85 including # 83 which Liz helped stitch with Ann Dickson and Lynn Fraser] of our Prestonpans Tapestry made its first trip outside the United Kingdom earlier this month. It was destined for Champigny, Musselburgh's twin town, not far from Paris. As the poster indictes, it was an Arts/ Crafts/ Embroidery Occasion! Liz reports:

"The cohort arrived safely in my hand luggage without any problems. Our hosts in Champigny were all prepared .. and very excited. A beautiful blue exhibition board, made to our exact measurements and prepared with velcro was ready for our arrival.
"The President of the Twinning Committee, my friend and host Nicole Perron, was the perfect saleswoman. She and some of the Committee had viewed the whole Tapestry in St Mary's this summer and displayed copies of their own books on our stall. She took great pleasure in pointing out the letter from the Mayor of Bayeaux [is that a replica I see?] to everyone as well as promoting our forthcoming visit to Pornichet St Nazaire in April 29th/ May 6th. Some visitors had relatives and friends in Pornichet and were eager to tell them.

"Nicole also made sure that many important community councillors and the like came to see it, including those resposible for Tourism and Culture. The Twinning Committee are so keen to have the complete Tapestry that, in our free time, we were given a tour of suitable official buildings in the town! It was minus 8 degrees and snowing so, sadly, no chance of visiting Versailles!

"Some of our visitors were very knowlegable about this period in Franco-Scottish history as Mary of Guise was born at Joinville, next door to Champigny. So watch this space! "
[Ed. As many will know after Pornichet St Nazaire the Battle Trust is keen to exhibit in 2013 at Fontainebleau or as close as may be, so all good will and help are more than welcome.]
Published Date: February 22nd 2012