PLEASE read what's penned below most carefully
A NEW Local Plan for Development in East Lothian is being created, led in Haddington by Ian Glen. It's vital that any input any of us have to this reaches the Council before it's all cut and dried. Once in place, any changes can be argued, but it's uphill. So now is the time ....
1. EH32 Coastal Regeneration Group These all have much to say ... the dates on the first page given below can all be visited ... and if you miss them, you can/ must write to Ian Glen, Policy & Projects Manager, ELC @ John Muir House, Haddington EH41 3HA BEFORE MARCH 12TH
2. Lots of views about futures for Cockenzie House ....
3. Blindwells Special Session ... February 13th Lots of views not least from the Battle Trust who are determined to protect/ preserve the Riggonhead Defile Walk[way] as well as the entire Battlefield Site now firmly placed in Historic Scotland's Inventory. The Battle Trust also wants a sculpture of a Redcoat and Highland locked in combat on the new roundabout expected! The actual site of the battle was just south of Blindwells bewteen it and Cockenzie's new housing.
4. The Arts Festival/ Battle Trust have plans for the Prestongrange Heritage Museum ... as lately pictured by Andrew Hillhouse ... to accommodate the Tapestry and much much more besides.
5. The Waggonway from Tranent/ Cockenzie needs conservation and interpretation ... and campaigns for this are ongoing ... at it's northern end it has been long-lost in the Power Station's Coal Yard which will shortly no longer be used so, reinstatement is now achievable.
N.B. As can be seen in the Schedule document below, Planning Aid for Scotland are running the Consultation Workshops/ Forums [for us extraordinarily at short notice and during the daytime!] as sub-contractors for ELC. When they have finished their findings will help ELC create a MAIN ISSUES REPORT which ELC will publish as a Consultation Document later in the year. We need to watch out for that too to have our say.

Bon chance!
Published Date: February 3rd 2012