10 Years on ... and we step back to 1908 @ The Goth!
James Fewell [1908] Lived Again ... celebrating 10 Years of Murals in The Pans!
It's true. With the brilliant role playing of the Prestoungrange Players, whose character and enthusiasms grow by the week, the Gothenburg went back to 1908. That's the year Thomas Nelson and fellow philanthropists subscribed £2,500 to build what is today's arts hub for The Pans. And in 1908 one James Fewell was the Manager. The main bar is named after him. And Yes, Fowler's Ales were sold in that very bar in 1908, as they still are today.

Andrew Crummy, the Arts Festival Convenor, reports on the day's goings on:
"Well, the drama was truly fantastic, and we'll see more drama in the bar and around the Goth in the months ahead. Steven Aitcheson as James Fewell certainly looked the part from Kate Hunter's mural above Fowler's Haven! Alan and Claire Hunter merrily recalled miners' songs and Caroline Tait and Kate Potter were in their element recreating Wei Luan's Catfight with new words from Lynne Morris!
"Faith Ann Mulgre and Margaret MacCabe remembered The Pans Mining Disaster, written by Bob Allen.

Bob Allan and Roger Knox honoured the 81 Witches Pardonned as extracted by Ros Parkyn from Anne Marie Allen's original research. Last but not least the whole cast, with that fine Welsh tenor Gareth Bryn-Jones singing a drunken song, paid their tribute to the Pride of The Panners mural by Kate Hunter on the mezzanine stairs arranged by Roger Knox.

"The Art Auction is expected to raise £1500. Over the year exhibitions have raised well over £10,000 in total.
"Iain Gray, always a devoted supporter, enjoyed the occasion and letters of support came from all over Chemainus, our original inspiration, and from countless local folk and polies. And ... the tombola was good!
"... and The Goth unveiled its new gold lettered reaffirmation of its Gothenburg Principles. Long may the Goth flourish in The Pans and continue its historic role."
Published Date: November 22nd 2011