Re-enactment Week for The Prince's Victory in Prestonpans is Upon Us! HERE'S THE SCHEDULE
All set for another grand weekend at Cuthill Park, but there's more ....
'Tis true the now traditional annual re-enactments at Cuthill Park attracting over 1000 visitors in 2010 are a major highlight. But there is much more to participate in as well over the coming week as the 266th Anniversary of the Prince's Victory here in town is commemorated.
Tuesday 20th: The exhibition of 6 major so-far-unseen paintings by local artists Andrew Hillhouse and Kate Hunter go on view all week at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. Andrew has created massive artworks of The Riggonhead Defile March, Gardiner mortally wounded at Tranent Manse, Cockenzie House surrendering Cope's Baggage Train and finally the Camerons capturing the Redcoat Cannons in the Battle. Kate Hunter has created masterly contemporary matching portraits of the two leading protaganists - The Prince and Sir John Cope.

On Wednesday September 21st: The precise anniversary date, there's wreath laying and a Conducted Battlefield Walk;
Friday September 23rd: Tonight sees the traditional Occupation of Prestonpans by the redcoats marching along the High Street.
Dawn on September 24th: Dawn sees those without faint hearts at Tranent Co-op Car Park by 5am very latest to re-enact the Riggonhead Defile March and return for a bumper breakfast at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg.
All these details and full daytime schedule for the action in Cuthill Park on September 24th/ 25th are on the flyers displayed here. Click to enlarge and print out as you need. And feel most welcome to visit the Camp at Cuthill Park as shown during both days.
Saturday night ceilidh @ the Community Centre: Be sure not to miss the Battle Ceilidh with Teannaich at the Prestonpans Community Centre [£5 including haggis supper & cash bar.] The Czech's 'Montgomeries' will once again demonstrate their fine Scottish dancing routines no doubt!

Admission is free at all events but the Trust will be out with Donations Buckets! All the re-enactors are volunteers, but it costs a shilling or two [several thousand quid to be precise!] to mount such occasions and all contributions are clearly needed and more than gratefully received.
N.B. And please note the printed warning about animals being afraid. There will be musket and cannon fire so don't bring anxious pets along and if you live on Prestongrange Road please make appropriate arrangments.
ENQUIRIES PLEASE TO ARRAN JOHNSTON either by phone @ 01875 812555/819922 or by email @
Published Date: September 19th 2011