Helpers Urgently Needed Please ...
The annual Prestonpans re-enactments, our authentic re-enactments of the '45 hereabouts, urgently need Supporters and Friends of the Battle Trust to volunteer please as assistants to the main event. This is not a call for re-enactors as such, but helpers!
The Re-enactments take place over the Saturday and Sunday, September 24th/ 25th.
The Trust needs volunteers to assist with the information booth/ BattleBus at Cuthill Park, sale of merchandise, donations cans and the like. Rewards are high. Complimentary meal vouchers at The Gothenburg and if you Walk the Riggonhead Defile at 4.45 am on Saturday, Scotch egg, an apple, soup and a great cooked breakfast at the end. That's better than any Highlander fared in 1745.
Honorary Chief Assistant will be Sharon Dabell, whose second novel for Cuthill Press is published this September!
Sharon Dabell, author and long standing volunteer with the Trust, is i/c at the BattleBus on Saturday and Sunday. She'll be signing copies of her second novel, The Onward Journey all the while - as shown below.
click on images to enlarge
Trust Art & Artefact Exhibition at The Gothenburg the whole week
Volunteers are also wanted throughout the week preceding i.e. September 20th/ 25th, to host the exhibition of Paintings and Artefacts at The Goth. Andrew Hillhouse's 4 stunning paintings commissoned by the Trust and Kate Hunter's 2 new portraits of The Prince and Sir John Cope will both be on show together with a relic of The Thorntree, contemporary press cuttings, 19th century etchings and more.
If you can volunteer to help during these times, and we certainly need helpers, please contact Arran Johnston by email on
Published Date: September 6th 2011