St Mary's giving the Tapestry The Edge and hundreds coming visiting ...
St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh is proving an absolute winner for the Tapestry Exhibition ...
.... and this is before The Fringe programme arrives in August. Sincere thanks to all at the cathedral for unstinting support and encouragement. Their monthly magazine gives full coverage below, and vistors/ bloggers [like Rabbie] continue to give enthusiastic write-ups encouraging friends to visit too.

There may still be work to be done on the outside, but inside the exhibition has been humming.
click on pages to enlarge

The Talks Programme continues too ..
2pm Saturday July 23rd saw the US lawyer-turned-Jacobite-historian, Martin Margulies, taking the story forward in his usual intriguing manner.
'It was,' he affirmed, 'stranger than fiction! And Sir John Cope has been sorely treated by history and in folk song. He conducted an excellent campaign only blighted again and again by bad luck. A good general then, but not the type you'd want to follow too often!'
Martin Margulies also turned his mind to counter history, to the what ifs? He, like the Prince himself, is very much of the opinion that if the Highlanders march had continued south from Derby on December 4th 1745 the Stuarts could have been back on their rightful throne.
'But then what?' he pondered. 'Would it have been all change, an end to the Union, an end to the Glorious Revolution's ascendancy for Parliament; or would it have been no change/ business as usual?'
'Clearly with such a Stuart victory, the nation's relationships with France would have been transformed. Jacobites would not have fled to the American Colonies. Without them formenting trouble across the Atlantic there would have been no Boston Tea Party nor the consequential difficulties of 1776. And without the American Revolution there could have beeen no French copycat revolution in 1789 ... Counter history is heady stuff then.'
It seems the stuff of fiction, perhaps a new Cuthill Press novel is called for....

Published Date: July 26th 2011