Colonel-in-Chief Martin Margulies Returns ...
An Open Invitation to All Friends of the Battle Trust....
All those who support the work of the Battle Trust in Prestonpans are most cordially invited to the Annual Regimental Dinner of the community's Alan Breck's Prestonpans Volunteer Regiment. It's at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on Saturday July 23rd @ 7pm.
As 'tradition' now has it, the Regiment's Colonel-in-Chief, US author of The Battle of Prestonpans 1745, Martin Margulies, will preside. It was Colonel Margulies outstanding work that provided the historical foundations for the 104 metre Prestonpans Tapestry.
The Prince will serve his Drambuie to all. Tickets are £15 per person.
To make reservations, please contact directly by email to

Published Date: July 7th 2011