Tapestry heading for Canada in Summer 2012 .... any helpers?
Ambitious Plans to Take Tapestry East/ West across Canada from June/ September 2012
It has always been the Trust's ambition to take the Prestonpans Tapestry across Canada in summer 2012 to honour a pledge to exhibit at the next Global Murals Conference in Chemainus - September 2012. And now some of the details are starting to fill in and the search is on for great venues ....
Pictured below is Past Chairman of the Trust, Gordon Prestoungrange, in Edmonton Alberta at a 'malted' meeting with Terry Carlyle, President - Edmonton Scottish Association. [Gordon's brother Bryan Wills lives in Alberta's capital and arranged the meeting earlier this month]. The observant will note Gordon sports Alberta's Provincial tartan on his tie! [Terry is an orthodontist.]

Halifax Nova Scotia Games end June/ July as launch pad
The putative schedule will begin in Halifax at the world famous Nova Scotia Games there and move first to Montreal and then to Toronto/ University of Guelph. After that, with Terry's assistance it is hoped initially to exhibit during August in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, then at Calgary and Kenmore as well as Edmonton in Alberta. By the start of September the Tapestry will cross the Rockies from Banff to Vancouver where Simon Fraser University's Scottish Research Centre is in support, across by ferry to British Columbia's capital Victoria on the island and finally up country to Chemainus.
Is that all?
Not really. It's just a start.... For October the proposal is to cross to New York .... with friends in the Saltire Society there ....
Countless 'volunteer' supporters are needed! :
1. Who knows the best way for the Tapestry to cross the Atlantic?
2. Who'd like to drive across Canada for their Summer Vacation in a uHaul/ mobile home?
3. Who knows friends Scottish and/ or Embroiderywise across the planned route?
4. Who knows enough about the Tapestry/ The Battle to act as Guide/ Curator at various stages along the way?
Ever ambitious, she'll be right! And Yes, indeed, a tour to Australia/ New Zealand is planned for 2013 ...
All Ideas/ Volunteers ... please contact ...
Arran Johnston @ ajohnston@battleofprestonpans1745.org
Gordon Prestoungrange @ prestoungrange@aol.com
Published Date: May 14th 2011