STOP PRESS: Tapestry will hang in the Borders from April 1st ..
Here's some great news. Paxton House, in the Borders close by Berwick-on-Tweed, will display the Prestonpans Tapestry from April 1st for a full month including the Easter break to 27th [excepting 9th/ 10th].
Reporting this new venue, Herbert Coutts and Arran Johnston particularly asked if embroiderers close by to Paxton House could be in touch to assist in whatever way they can. There are always myriad questions about the glorious artwork from visitors to be answered and here's yet another opportunity to celebrate.
And of course, the Battle Trust is most grateful to the Trustees at Paxton House for making such an exhibition possible! Paxton House is a magnificent Adam residence created in the Scottish Palladian style - one of the finest examples in Britain. A truly magnificent venue ...

MORE DETAILS AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE .... but if you can offer some help during April please be in touch with Arran Johnston asap @
Published Date: February 17th 2011