Arts Festival and Queen Margaret University Lay Plans for another giant Tapestry ...
Best kept secret ... soon to be shared!
... and it's not really a 'secret' anyway.
Following the phenomenal success of the Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry in 2010, there was and still is much clamour for the Arts Festival to create further great tapestries in the same ilke. And in response not one but two are now heading for the 'frames'.
Details have already appeared of Sandy MacCall-Smith's sponsorship of a Great History of Scotland. But they are still emergent for a tapestry that will honour Scotland's Diaspora across the globe. It's expected to be ready in time for the next, 2014, Homecoming, and will be well backed by EventScotland. 2014's going to be really rather a big year for Scotland with Glasgow's Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup and Bannockburn's 700th Anniversary.
At present, Diaspora 'pilot' panels are in hand in Gothenburg, Sweden and in Prestonpans twin town Barga, in Tuscany. It's being designed, as for the Prestonpans Tapestry, by Andrew Crummy and is led and co-ordinated by Prestoungrange Arts Festival. However, its design style certainly differs considerably with 500mm x 500mm panels as opposed to 1000mm x 460mm in the Battle Tapestry.
There is no more to report at this moment but rest assured as soon as there is, this website will be the first to carry the tale. And as a wee taster, from Sweden and Tuscany ...
P.S. ... and the connection with Queen Margaret University? Faculty there have created the Archive of the 2009 Homecoming, with myriad diaspora contacts, and Italian speaking-arts travellers to Barga have already been assisting the project.....
Published Date: October 15th 2011