The Jenkinson Sisters Comfort Colonel Gardiner
Prestonpans Artist Andrew Hillhouse captures an anxious moment for Beatrix and Mary!
The two Jenkinson sisters, Beatrix and Mary, are woven into the myth and folklore of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Battle Victory here in Prestonpans. There are two incidents which were recorded in 1845, at the 100th Anniversary, [NEWS REPORT LINKED DIRECTLY HERE].
1. At Duddingston, when the Prince held his War Council in The Cottage and visited to Sheep Heid, the sisters were there and he noticed them. He pronounced them considerable beauties and gave them a ring from his own finger and a snuff box as momentoes. The Battle Trust has re-enacted the scene [REPORT LINKED DIRECTLY HERE]. It has also been captured in the Prestonpans Tapestry by Ruth MacAlpine - shown below:
2. At Tranent Manse, where after the battle the mortally wounded Colonel Gardiner was taken by a miller on his cart, and cared for by Mary upstairs. Their nursing was however interupted by the arrival of a Highlander search party, looking for fleeing redcoats. As history recounts, Beatrix opened the door and, after offering them snuff from the box which the Prince had given to them just two days before, distracted their attention with mutton from the spit.
This second occasion is also captured in the Prestonpans Tapestry by Rhona MacKenzie with support from her own sister Catherine and niece Rhona - shown below:

The Battle Trust has also carefully re-enacted those scenes where the Colonel is wounded and taken to The Manse [REPORT LINKED DIRECTLY HERE]
And now most lately as our headline records, local artist Andrew Hillhouse has created this Jenkinsons moment at Tranent Manse with excellent detailing.
click to enlarge the painting

It is Andrew Hillhouse's second Battlefield painting for the Trust - the first showed the Highlanders marching across the Riggonhead Defile during the night

Ed. There is some confusion over when the Colonel actually died. The plaque in Tranent Manse today, now privately owned, states September 22nd, but most records suggest before noon on September 21st. The Colonel was buried in Tranent churchyard, but when the church was rebuilt at the end of the 18th century the Colonel's grave was lost - it is believed to be under the new nave.
Published Date: January 26th 2011