Valour Did Not Wait then ... Arran Johnston's new book gets excellent review
Arran Johnston's second title gets fine review
Martin Margulies is no stranger to Prestonpans, serving as Colonel-in-Chief of the Alan Breck Regiment since it was raised in the town. But he is also author of the definitive title himself on the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 [2007], and Professor Emeritus of Law in New England, USA. As such, his critique of Arran Johnston's second Jacobite title with Prestoungrange University Press, Valour Does Not Wait has been anxiously awaited. It appears in the Winter 2010/ 2011 issue of the 1745 Association's journal The Jacobite. Congratulations Arran!
N.B. Both Arran Johnston's books and all other Prestonpans titles can be ordered HERE ON LINE
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Published Date: January 5th 2011